Monday, April 04, 2005

Welcome to the Monkey House

So after the Great Fellowship Debacle of 2005, which is still in its beginning stages, that unofficial offer is looking pretty damned good so far. I could totally do it. I mean, 3 years is nothing. I lost 3 years of my life to law school, what's another 3 years? I'm guaranteed a job that I love, in a city with friends that I love. The worst case scenario is that I don't fall in love with the city, but I can't imagine how I wouldn't enjoy living there for a few years. The dating scene has got to be better than this one. I could take the subway instead of using my car, I could go to baseball games, I could go to museums. You know, all the trappings of a real city. It would be so much easier to take that path.

But if there's anything that you have all noticed, it's that I seem incapable of making anything simple.

If I had a sexy typepad blog instead of blogspot, I'd totally create a category of postings explicitly designed for job search stuff. WHAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU ABOUT PUBLIC INTEREST JOBS, PARTICULARLY PUBLIC DEFENDER JOBS. That will be the subject of a post all its own.


Pepper said...

We'll see how smart you are when the K9 comes.

Sorry, first visit.

Mirriam Seddiq said...

What job? What have I missed? I need a job!

WomanoftheLaw said...

I love a man who knows his Jay-Z.

ambimb said...

How about a BlawgCoop blog for $5/year!? I'd be happy to get you set up w/a test site (using either Wordpress or Movable Type) so you can see if you'd like it. (Movable Type is the software on which Typepad is based.) Categories, images, no more blogger outages, being part of a great little community of happy law-related bloggers, and cheap, too! What could be better?

I'm esp. eager for you to do this b/c I want to read every entry in your "What they don't tell you about PD jobs" category. I bet I'm not the only one....