Thursday, November 04, 2004

It's only been one day, and here we are...

already Yahoo news is giving me the following headlines from hell:
Bush pledges to make changes to the tax code
"Contending Americans have embraced his conservative agenda, President Bush pledged Thursday to aggressively pursue major changes in Social Security, the tax code and medical malpractice awards, working with Democrats if they are receptive and leaving them behind if they're not. "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it," Bush said a day after a decisive victory that made him the first president in 68 years to win re-election and gain seats in both the House and Senate."
"He took congratulatory calls from world leaders from Russia, Poland, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Italy before flying to Camp David for four days of rest after the grueling campaign."
"He is expected to ask Congress early next year for up to $75 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and operations against terrorism...The president was unapologetic about the unpopularity of his decisions in many world capitals, such as his commitment to spread democracy in the Middle East. "

Wal-Mart opens store near Mexico pyramids

Laura Bush to get new puppy for birthday

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. I can't believe that having 51% of the country voting for you (let's be honest, that's not up too many percentage points from the last election he 'won') signals that the country is behind you. For either Kerry or Bush, a 51/49 victory doesn't imply anything more than the fact that it is clear that neither candidate represents its constituents well. For either of them, they're alienating half the country. It's like a game of "Would You Rather" - "Would you rather have wheels for legs or sneeze confetti?" "Would you rather have sex with Cindy Crawford with no arms or legs, or Rush Limbaugh?" Please.


1 comment:

WomanoftheLaw said...

Neither will a Libertarian [ever be president].

HILLARY in 2008!!!