Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I can be a homeowner!

I wa putzing around today on Yahoo's How Much House Can You Afford? calculator.  Curious, I decided to give it a whirl.  I put it my before-tax income, my loan and credit card payments, and $0 down payment.  No other expenses were taken into consideration.
The result?  I can afford a $-442 mortgage payment and $0 worth of house.  That's right, that's a negative mortgage payment.  I love mortgages where they pay YOU money every month!  How fun!  You know what these numbers mean, right?  THE GOVERNMENT OWES ME A HOUSE.


Anonymous said...

You sure you entered that info correctly? I entered my yearly gross by mistake and with a comma and it registered only the first two numbers as my MONTHLY, so I got those negative values. I tried again with a monthly income estimate (for simplicity, I ended it with 000) and then I got a reasonable result.

RandomlySane said...

lol...i'm trying to buy a place now too...it's annoying...