Thursday, August 12, 2004

I am so. angry.

Romney cries injustice, blames public defenders.

The economics of being a public defender.

I cannot even believe that the governor would blame the public defenders for not being able to afford to take assigned counsel cases, and THEN blame the release of the accused on the public defender. This makes me hella angry.

1 comment:

WomanoftheLaw said...

Good job, CDiggety, on demonstrating your multiplication skills.
Next time, include the cost of overhead. You're telling me that a law office incurs zero expenses? Because if all I have to do is sign up to get that whopping $37.50 an hour, then woohoo! Additionally, we're talking billable hours, not just hours at work. And when was the last time you worked 40 hrs a week, 50 weeks a year? What about sick time? Benefits? And of course these attorneys aren't stupid enough to band together and say, we collectively refuse to accept cases. They're doing it individually to avoid the antitrust issue.
Please, do not go around pretending that public defenders make $75k a year. You know that's not true.