Thursday, December 02, 2004

I could tell you about

- the defendants' friend that struck up a friendly conversation with me yesterday, dropping the line, "I'm not married," casually into conversation;

- the man in court yesterday who tried to get my attention and then, when he did, gave his sexy little wink/nod - he was still sleeping on the court bench 6 hours later (I have quite a way with homeless men, apparently);

- how not one of my friends has returned my calls in over two weeks, even the ones that I've called, emailed, called, and emailed again;

- how I watched my potential dream fellowship job disintegrate before my eyes;

- learning how many more of my friends are either engaged or about to become engaged, exponentially increasing my desire to bolt the fuck out of here, never to return ever again.

But instead, I'll say: Dahlia has a very thought-provoking article on the penalty phase of capital trials.


Blonde Justice said...

Homeless clients are my favorite too. Dunno why.

Tell us more, tell us more! Especially - whats up with the fellowship?

WomanoftheLaw said...

It's not particularly exciting, actually - I looked up the requirements for a sponsor for the fellowship, and my anticipated sponsor made it clear that it would be unlikely for them to sponsor me on those terms. Dreaming up the job proposal was perhaps a little ahead of myself. There's also a chance that there's a program out there already that doesn't do exactly what I'm trying to do, but something similar enough. I could try to find another sponsor, but I'm not sure I'd be interested in working with a different sponsor organization.